Showing posts with label Rip Kirby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rip Kirby. Show all posts

Rip Kirby - Fatal Forgeries

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.
Rip Kirby Fatal Forgeries Comics

Rip Kirby - The Faraday Affair - The Formula of Dr. Hicks

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.

The Faraday Affair 

Chip Faraday falls into Kirby's arms. 'She's beautiful!' remarks Edmond. I think, I'm missing something here. Let me try again. Chip Faraday falls into Kirby's arms, dead! Looks about right. Someone heard clicking of a woman's hells, running away. The police asks Kirby not to get involved (we know that's never going to happen). Dorian offers her help. Kirby takes her to Barry's Agency where the deceased Faraday worked as a model. One of their employees, a certain Mousey Blake, meets Kirby and gossips for about 342 hours. Montgomery, a famous photographer, offers Dorian a modelling job. Rip and Edmond (that's what they call him in the French versions) visits Montgomery Studio at night. The killer keeps appearing and disappearing in the scene. We only know he has a scar on his wrist. It has been mentioned so many times, we know it must be an important piece of evidence. His next victim, Bud Kittrick, was the lover of Chip Faraday. Someone tries to attack Dorian with acid. Rip visits Mousey Blake and is ambushed by the killer who's been hiding in her apartment. He also gives Kirby a vital clue - yeah, you guessed it right - that he has a scar on his wrist. Now Kirby knows who the killer is!

The Formula of Doctor Hicks 

Kirby is invited to deliver a lecture in Norchester University. His intuition tells him the dean needs Rip the detective more than Rip the scholar (we know that already). Dean's daughter Jill is getting married. So, Dorian, Jill's school-friend is also invited. Mr. Thatcher tells Kirby somebody killed his dog. Rip Kirby can't believe he was summoned only to investigate that, and he's right. Thatcher tells him there's also a formula that's missing. The formula of Doctor Hicks is a preparation of deadly virus. In the wrong hands, it can cause total annihilation. As it later turns out, the formula has already fallen into wrong hands. Kirby analyses the organs of the dead dog. Dr. Hicks doesn't believe Kirby is a capable detective. The formula miraculously reappears in Hicks' vault. Kirby, suspecting he's involved, calls cops on him. But it was a mistake. The real killer is still at large. On the wedding day, he comes for a final strike.
Rip Kirby Faraday Affair Hicks Formula

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Rip Kirby - The Case of the Master Menace

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.
Rip Kirby Case of the Master Menace

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Rip Kirby - The Dodging Wolves Part 2

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.
Kirby Mandrake Lost City Dodging Wolves 2
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Rip Kirby - The Dodging Wolves Part 1

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.

The first half of Mandrake's The Lost City of Jewels and Kirby's Dodging Wolves are in this book.
Rip Kirby Mandrake Lost City of Jewels 1
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Rip Kirby - The Wax Trap

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.
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Rip Kirby - The Warumba Treasure

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.

The Warumba Treasure - A Rip Kirby Comics

This story is from a time when the use of counterfeit jewelries was not yet discovered. During such things as shooting a movie, they used original stuff. On such a shooting, the producer appoints Rip Kirby the head of the security team. To cut the cost, the other two team members are Honey, Kirby's girlfriend and Desmond, the butler. Kirby recognizes the stuntman to be an ex-convict. The chief of the Warumba tribe stands alert holding a spear and guards the Warumba treasure. The real Warumba gold. During the shooting someone replaces the treasure chest with a phony one. As a practical joke, that someone also fills it with rocks. The three suspects are the stuntman (we already know he's the one, so we'll stop right here)...
Rip Kirby The Warumba Treasure
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Rip Kirby - The Scary Whisper

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.

The Scary Whisper - A Rip Kirby Comics

One great thing about the good old Indrajal is you can guess half of the story by taking one good look at the cover. The lady you see on the cover calls herself Madeline Mesmer. Now you know the other half too. Rip Kirby gets a call from Ma who runs a casino. She wants Kirby to find out how a certain customer, Ms Mesmer never looses. To find out, the detective has to play gin rummy with Madeline. He ends up losing Desmond to her, and also wets his tuxedo in the process. Meanwhile, Jack kidnaps Madeline and tortures her by asking the same question 1,329 times. Ms. Mesmer eventually gives up and reveals her secret. Jack returns to casino and using his recently acquired trick, wins every game. Then Kirby intervenes.
Rip Kirby Scary Whisper
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Rip Kirby - The Night on the Forsaken Island

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.

The Night on the Forsaken Island - A Rip Kirby Comics

The two sisters in the story call themselves Mumu and Tutu. Does it not follow naturally that these sisters will throw fancy dress parties no less than four hundred and fifty times a year? Well, the story of The Night on the Forsaken Island begins with such a party. A man called Rex convinces the sisters he knows where the treasure of Captain Kidd is buried. The sisters have no choice but to believe him, since at the party Rex came dressed as Captain Kidd. Together, they set out for a treasure hunt. Rip Kirby who was present at the party also accompanies them. Kirby ends up in No Name Island with Mumu and Tutu bellyaching about not having enough champagne. 

Night on the Forsaken Island Kirby

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Rip Kirby - The Mystery Mansion

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.

The Mystery Mansion - Rip Kirby 

Mangler escapes a high security prison in less than four panels. What a sharp fellow! Rip Kirby, with the post-breakfast optimism, hopes Mangler has reformed. During the course of the story, he'll have plenty of time to repent that thought. A guy called Holmes becomes rich so fast the cops start feeling dizzy. Holmes is rich, he owns a castle and has armed men at his disposal. In short, he has everything King Arthur once had. The authorities ask Kirby to look into the matter before Holmes hits the Forbes top 100 list. The detective plants Blimey as Holmes' valet. Blimey lets Kirby and Desmond into the castle. After a short time, Mangler and his friend Muscles arrive at the castle to rob Holmes. Readers can imagine how elated Mangler must've been seeing his old friend Kirby. The old chums practice boxing for some time. But Mangler escapes again, before the judges could declare a winner.

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Rip Kirby - The Missing Dorian Diamond

Rip Kirby is an American comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Ward Greene featuring the adventures of private detective Rip Kirby. Run from 1946 to 1999, the strip was in the hands of writer/artist John Prentice for more than 40 years.

The Missing Dorian Diamond - Rip Kirby Comics 

The story is about Desmond. He's running for the president of the butler's assoc. 'People are always saying the butler did it,' says Desmond to his chum Wiggers, 'when in fact, he didn't.' Desmond says he wants to 'stamp this sort of thing out', though I don't have the faintest idea how he's going to do that. In any case, bold words may help him bag the votes. They usually do. What upsets the plan is the theft of the Dorian Diamond from a party where Desmond was working as a butler. Next, Desmond disappears. Piltdown, his rival the in the election, tries to convince other members it was Desmond who did it. Indeed, all things pointed to the butler. This puzzles Kirby, but fails to convince him. To get to the truth, he asks everyone to reenact the party scenes. If the thief had an iota of intelligence he wouldn't have risked it a second time. But, as we find out - from the cover, even before we open the book - the thief was Archibald. So it looks plausible. Desmond wins the election, of course. It pleases everyone except the mugger Desmond has bashed with a skillet.
Rip Kirby Missing Dorian Diamond pdf

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